In a couple of days on Thursday, the functional giant RXBar is taking the New Year’s resolution of being more fit and active to a whole new level with its interactive campaign, Bar the Couch Pledge. As opposed to the usual entry requirements of liking a post on Facebook and commenting on Instagram, here, you’re being asked for a bit more of an effort. RXBar’s Bar the Couch Pledge does involve your couch, and the reward is quite extensive, involving a reasonably large cash prize and a year’s supply of the original RXBar.
The way RXBar’s Bar the Couch Pledge works is you have to move your couch to a different position for a whole month. That could be into a different place in your living area, another room, or take it out entirely and put it into storage. The point of relocating your couch is to encourage more activity, as the core piece of furniture is traditionally the heart of a living room, situated in front of the TV. It is all about comfort and relaxation, the opposite of being up, moving, and active, hence why RXBar wants you to move it around.
From Thursday the 4th of this month, so in two days, through to the 14th of January, you can head to rxbarbarthecouch.com to pledge to move your couch for 30 days and go in the draw to win the grand prize of $2,500 cash and a year’s supply of the popular RXBar. There is no purchase required to take part in the promotion, and it is certainly a fun way to start the year. Be sure to head on over to that official entry website during the ten days it is live and accepting entries and temporarily say farewell to your cozy couch.