The Catalyst Meal Replacement Bar is a functional food from fitness trainer Sharon Chamberlin and her brand Catalyst 4 Fitness, and while it is promoted more as a meal, its nutrition is similar to many other nutritious snack and treat with high-protein and low carbohydrates. Chamberlin and her brand did evolve the product not too long after it made its debut, moving to a whey-based recipe, providing a similar balance of macros to the original with 17g of protein, 42g of carbohydrates, 15g of fat, and 280 calories.
In its continued effort to tweak, evolve, and improve the experience of its flagship product, Catalyst has gone back to the workshop and is revamping its protein snack to once again, be better than before. The evolution of the Catalyst Meal Replacement Bar is in the works as we speak, and involves the switch to a new manufacturer, a different set of ingredients, a change in volume from its original 85g weight and sequel 78g, the continuation of a solid nutrition profile, and best of all, a better overall taste and eating experience.
There is no timeframe on when the upgraded Catalyst Meal Replacement Bar will be ready, as we’re guessing Sharon Chamberlin will run through until it meets the standard and level of quality she’s shooting for. She has actually put the word out there for anyone interested in being involved in the product development stage and is hosting a taste testing this weekend on Saturday and Sunday in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, and if that sounds of interest to you, reach out to her directly at sharon@catalyst4fitness.com.