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Fitness Junkie comes to market in Sweden with straightforward cost-competitive products

Proteinbolaget Fitness Junkie

Fitness Junkie is a whole new brand now available in Sweden from the reputable and reliable retailer Prointebolaget, and it kind of reminds us a lot of the recently introduced 100% Nutrition from the German brand and supplement store Body Attack. Like that line, Fitness Junkie is a very simple and straightforward looking selection of products, and while it does touch on advanced as well as basic categories, everything is relatively competitively priced, making it more of a cost-conscious brand.

There are ten different products available from Fitness Junkie right out of the gate, close to half of them a commodity supplements, including the standalones Creatine, ZMA, and Ashwagandha. There is also another somewhat essential style item by way of Multivitamin, bringing together a variety of vitamins and minerals for general health and wellness. Next you have the brand’s two protein powders in the whey concentrate and skim milk-based Protein, and the nutritionally-dense mass protein named Gainer.

After all of those supplements mentioned above, Fitness Junkie’s family begins to get a bit more advanced with the amino cocktails BCAA plus added glycine, lysine, and alalnine, and EAA featuring all nine EAAs to support muscle recovery and repair. The final two products are the most advanced effrots from the brand in the weight loss-supporting Burner, and PWO, a low to moderately-dosed pre-workout with highlights like 3g of beta-alanine, 200mg of caffeine, and some sub par amounts of citrulline malate and tyrosine at half a gram each per serving.

Again, the place to go to get your hands on anything from the newcomer Fitness Junkie, as well as more information on its ten supplements, is the retailer Proteinbolaget. The prices do range by a large amount, although that is to be expected with some of them only featuring one ingredient. Basics like Creatine, Ashwagandha, and ZMA are 149 SEK, 99, and 89, respectively, but the advanced items like PWO and EAA still aren’t that high, getting as low as around 173 SEK (16.88 USD) when you opt for one of the bulk bundles.