A few months ago, VMI Sports, maker of the great-value pre-workout K-XR and great-tasting protein powder Protolyte previewed its take on the premium sub-category of pre-workout with a promising supplement named K-XR Elite. Premium pre-workouts are simply alternatives to more mainstream-level or standard products that cost a bit more; however, in return, you get a lot more in them in terms of ingredients and dosages, with brands typically packing them to the brim with actives.
K-XR Elite is or was going to be that for VMI Sports, although there has been a bit of an update that involves a few changes, all while maintaining the overall purpose of the supplement. The premium pre-workout approach in K-XR Elite is still happening, but the name of the product is going to be something different. No details have been leaked out on the title, just that it won’t be K-XR Elite. Furthermore, the brand has been hard at work developing the product, so despite the fact we haven’t seen a whole lot of updates, take that as it’s being constantly worked on, not shelved and forgotten about.
VMI Sports has been in the industry of supplements for an incredible amount of time, and again, it’s built a solid business and has several notable products to its name, as mentioned, K-XR, Protolyte, as well as Vasogen, White Heat, and the testosterone booster A-XR. With all of that in mind, you know the brand is taking its time because it knows what it needs to do to make the supplement a success, putting even more hype and excitement into the eventual reveal and release of the temporarily-titled K-XR Elite.