Gorilla Mind put on one hell of a performance in 2023, filling the year with an absolutely incredible number of drops, drastically expanding its selection in all areas a fan could ask for, introducing new formats, entering new categories, reformulating popular products, and rolling out a host of flavor extensions. With everything the company did, as well as others in the world of sports nutrition supplements, we are indeed giving our prestigious Brand Of The Year Award for 2023 to Gorilla Mind.
Year after year, we look for the same sort of thing in our Brand Of The Year; one of the main points is consistency, whether a company frequently drops hype and excitement throughout the year, whether that’s every fortnight or even every month. Gorilla Mind was certainly on board for that, never going a month without revealing and releasing something or most of the time multiple items, and a lot of those were innovations, putting the brand in places and positions it had never been before, and this was clearly the case in its energy drink.

Gorilla Mind made bold promises with its self-titled Gorilla Mind Energy Drink, including a promise to drop a new flavor every month following its launch and with one of the most efficacious formulas in the highly competitive category. Both of those came true, as the beverage is one of the most effective experiences we’ve had from an energy drink without sacrificing taste, and it came through with seven new flavors in the following seven months, the most recent of those being The Vitamin Shoppe-exclusive Tropic Storm.
While the Gorilla Mind Energy Drink captured a lot of attention, there was a lot more going on at the brand in and around the beverage space, as mentioned earlier, it expanded into a genuinely impressive number of formats and categories this year. Some of the other non-energy drink action from Gorilla Mind included a gaming supplement featuring a never-before-seen 2g of NooLVL and it revamped its popular muscle builder Sigma with better dosages and a switch to premium KSM-66 over standard ashwagandha.

Expanding on that list of highlights even further, Gorilla Mind entered the hydration space packing over 3g of electrolytes into every serving, it made its signature protein powder completely transparent, and it refined its nootropic as well as split it into two versions, one with caffeine and one without. Lastly, the brand introduced its first functional food in a peanut butter-based protein bar, it expanded its grip on the pre-workout category with a potent high-stimulant option and a cost-effective competitor, and you can’t forget its own fat burning innovation Apelyne.
As you can see, Gorilla Mind went all out, from introducing its own ingredient, first functional food and energy drink, entering major categories like hydration and gaming, and don’t forget the over 30 flavor extenions it rolled out; it hit on every area we look for and like to see in 2023. The reputable brand furthered its reach and gave consumers more ways to fuel their lifestyle and fitness, and in 2024 we’re extremely excited to see what it does and how it follows up that relentless year of evolution and innovation.