Alpha Lion’s Pre-Workout Of The Month Series doesn’t stop and hasn’t stopped since it began almost three years ago, back in the early months of 2021, with Cherry Maguire Superhuman Extreme and Swoleberry Limeade Superhuman Pump. Here in the first month of the New Year, the long-running, limited edition collection of flavors for the brand’s various pre-workouts continues, and it has once again cooked up something completely new in the cherry cola recipe officially titled Swola Cola.
In the traditional style of the Pre-Workout Of The Month Series, Alpha Lion’s Swola Cola has been put together for two of its pre-workouts, or in this case, fat-burning pre-workouts with Superhuman Burn Extreme and the stimulant-free alternative, Superhuman Burn Stim-Free. Like the many other tastes the brand has created for the line, it has announced them and plans to launch them in the coming days. The exact debut date for Swola Cola is the 15th of this month, so this coming Monday through alphalion.com, and you’ll want to be quick as drops from the limited series tend to sell out swiftly.