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Germany’s Body Attack introduces the very clean and simple 100% Nutrition

100 Percent Nutrition

Body Attack in Germany has put out a fresh new sports nutrition line that looks and sounds like a house brand, and it goes by the name of 100% Nutrition. The company is incredibly simple and straightforward, which is something reflected in the look of its supplements, none of them featuring too much color or graphics. As you can see above, 100% Nutrition at Body Attack comes in all-black packaging with white text and lines, and each of its products explains its points and purposes right in their names.

100% Nutrition’s catalog consists of the protein powders ISO Fruit Pro Whey, a clear-style competitor, and then the slightly less premium, more cost-effective, My Whey, which relies exclusively on whey concentrate to provide its 22g of protein per serving. There is also a protein snack by way of the Creamy Protein Bar, giving you a reasonable amount of protein in a 30g piece, the magnesium citrate supplement MgCitrate, and lastly, Sleep, indeed, for a better night’s sleep, with a blend of magnesium and melatonin.

You can purchase and check out 100% Nutrition in more detail over at, and as mentioned, it does appear to be a house brand of Body Attack, going alongside its own extensive line of sports nutrition products and a few other competitors it sells. The prices on the supplements are pretty value-focused, something that you get the sense of in the look alone, with the Creamy Protein Bar currently €1 (1.09 USD) each and 2lb tub of My Whey sitting at €31.99 (35.33 USD) in three flavors.