1st Phorm has released a whole host of outdoor gear, including a tee, hoodie, and hat, and alongside all of that has also come a special edition outdoorsy reskin of its great tasting and well-formulated 1st Phorm Energy Drink. The beverage recently got some attention in October, when the brand released two new flavors, the first extensions since it came to market, with the original four of Orange Sunrise, Cherry Lime, Citrus Blast, and Blue Raspberry joined by Tropical Lightning and Screamin’ Freedom.
The reskin of the 1st Phorm Energy Drink is specific to one flavor, where it has kept everything the same on the inside in terms of taste and formula with 200mg of natural caffeine and 100mg of premium NeuroFactor, but changed the look. It is the citrusy Orange Sunrise that’s been given an outdoor twist, temporarily featuring a woodland camouflage look. You can get your hands on the special edition Orange Sunrise 1st Phorm Energy Drink from 1stphorm.com at $32.99 for a case of a dozen 16oz cans.