Primeval Labs is another sports nutrition brand that goes big for Black Friday, traditionally offering giant deals and discounts. In the past, we’ve seen Primeval go as hard as a 40% discount on everything, plus freebies on several occasions, such as a free tee, stainless steel shaker, and shipping. For 2023, the supplement company is planning to do all of that again, but giving fans an unmissable way to save isn’t all it has in store for them this time around.
Alongside Primeval Labs’ Black Friday promotion, going down this coming Friday, will be the launch of a delicious-sounding flavor of its premium whey isolate-based protein powder, Isolit. The upcoming extension is a Chocolate Cookie Cheesecake Isolit, packing the product’s typically lean nutrition profile with 25g of protein and around 120 to 130 calories a serving. Again, this is all arriving alongside a strong Black Friday sale from Primeval, meaning you’ll be able to try the flavor at or close to Isolit’s lowest price ever.