The dairy-free brand aptly named No Cow built its name on protein bars but does have a more traditional protein powder on the market, continuing that same sort of approach, giving you a reliable source of dairy-free protein in the form of powder as opposed to an edible bar. The brand has added another supplement to that category this month by way of No Cow Protein Powder+, which is indeed protein plus a few other beneficial ingredients.
No Cow Protein Powder+ features the same sources of protein as the regular No Cow Protein Powder, with pea and brown rice protein providing 20g of protein a serving, a low 3g of fat, 14g of carbohydrates with 2g of that sugar, and 150 calories. To make the product that extra bit different, the protein is alongside a blend of superfoods, including broccoli, spirulina, and acerola, and probiotics with five billion CFUs for gut health and digestion.
To make it a nice transition or easier decision, No Cow has put the same amount of servings in every bag of No Cow Protein Powder+ as the Chocolate and Vanilla-flavored Protein Powder at 18. The superfood and probiotic-enhanced supplement is naturally sweetened with the same ingredients in stevia, erythritol, and monk fruit, but it does come at a rather premium price, with Protein Powder+ costing $20 more at $59.99 in an unflavored option.