The reputable sports nutrition brand HR Labs has dropped details on its first completely new supplement since the balanced meal replacement Eat Up from two years ago unless you count the reformulated version of its pre-workout Defib from earlier in the year with Defib V3. The upcoming innovation from the brand is Rest Up, and it is indeed a sleep-supporting nighttime product, but in typical HR Labs style, not anything traditional.
HR Labs’ Rest Up is more of a nighttime recovery supplement, and while recovery is something that you often get anyway in sleep aids, it’s never a huge focus, with most of the attention on ingredients to get you to sleep. Rest Up is more about ensuring you get good quality sleep, reduce inflammation, noticeably improve and enhance muscle recovery, leading to better performance in the gym as well as better results in muscle strength and size.
If you look at most of HR Labs’ supplements, you’ll see they tend to rely on premium, well-dosed ingredients, not always a laundry list of components, commonly referred to as the kitchen sink approach. Rest Up is another one of the brand’s well-thought-out, clean-and-cut formulas, bringing together four ingredients to get the job done in 600mg each of apigenin and Levagen, promoted for its anxiety and joint benefits, 300mg of CellFlo6, and lastly, a gram a favorite of ours in VitaCherry tart cherry.
HR Labs is looking to roll out its intriguing sleep, recovery, and muscle-building supplement Rest Up in the early weeks of the New Year, which sounds like a while away but is actually in five weeks. It’ll be a great product to welcome in 2024 and go head first into any related resolutions, but most importantly, and as mentioned earlier, it’s the first entirely new supplement from the brand since Eat Up, giving fans plenty to be excited about.