Bucked Up is not slowing down for anyone at any point here in 2023, launching product after product, series after series, and they’ve all been intriguing and interesting to keep up with. We just saw the brand drop its extensive selection of women’s supplements in the Babe sub-brand and release a special edition version of the LFG Burn Energy Drink enhanced with Enfinity, but for this post, the focus is a flavor extension of its long-running blend-style protein powder Buck Feed.
The newest addition to the menu of Bucked Up’s Buck Feed protein powder is the classic cinnamon cookie Snickerdoodle, going alongside a family of mostly creative, uncommon options like Horchata, Cake Pop, and the pineapple, mango, and vanilla concoction Swole Whip. The Snickerdoodle Buck Feed has the supplement’s usual balance with 25g of protein, 2g of carbohydrates, a gram of fat, and 110 calories, and is already in stock at buckedup.com at $64.95 for a full-size tub.