The gradually growing UXO Supplements is undergoing a bit of a rebrand, and it’s a pretty noticeable change in appearance involving a very different logo and a shift in branding that is big enough that you may not recognize it. UXO has built a strong reputation in its several years on the market thanks to the likes of its packed pre-workout Send It, or currently Send It V2, the amino and elevATP-backed intra-workout Charlie Mike, and other hits like the flavored superfood formula Ghillie Greens.
You can get a taste of the updated branding from UXO Supplements in the image above, featuring a refreshed version of the pre-workout Send It V2, with a more graphic-driven background design, a stronger focus on the typography of the titles, and a print features to help it pop. The rebrand is certainly a step forward, and fans don’t need to worry about losing the products they’ve come to rely on, as UXO promises everything inside its supplements, from ingredients to dosages, will remain.