Out of all of the sports, lifestyle, and active nutrition companies out there that have created some sort of clear protein powder, Myprotein has taken the concept and expanded into more categories than anyone else. The international giant has done the standard Clear Whey Isolate, a plant-based Clear Vegan Protein, Clear Whey Diet, Clear Whey Electrolyte, Clear Meal Replacement, and even the ready-to-drink Clear Protein Water.
Again, Myprotein has done more in the clear protein subcategory than almost anyone else, and it continues this month with the reveal and release of another clear innovation by the name of Clear Protein Superblend. Not only is this supplement a different approach to the world of clear protein, but it’s also a unique approach for the industry, as it’s made from an upcycled ingredient, essentially something that is otherwise thrown away.
Myprotein uses Upcycled Certified barley in Clear Protein Superblend, which is barley rice protein processed and purified from waste from the beer industry and used as a source of protein. The rescued ingredient gives the supplement a reasonable nutrition profile with 18g of protein a serving, with a complete amino profile of all nine EAAs, then you get 3.3g of carbohydrates, none of that sugar, absolutely no fat, and the calories come in at 89.
Myprotein’s Clear Protein Superblend is currently available under its Myvegan brand and only through that subbrand’s online store at myvegan.com. Even more importantly, the brand is not selling the product in any sort of bulk bottle or bag. Myprotein and Myvegan have packaged the clear protein powder made from upcycled barley in single-serving sachets in the one Lemon Lime flavor, and they cost just £2.49 (3.05 USD) a piece.