Zombie Labs and the reputable Australian sports nutrition store Supplement Mart recently teased what appeared to be some sort of product collaboration, potentially a flavor extension of something the brand already has available or maybe an entirely new supplement altogether. It turns out we were right on the money with our speculation that Zombie Labz and Supplement Mart have collaborated on a flavor of one of its pre-workouts that you can only find and purchase at the retailer itself.
The special edition item from the two already partnered companies, as Supplement Mart does sell Zombie Labs products at its stores, is a limited-time taste of one of the brand’s two stimulant pre-workouts, in the high-powered and potent Cross-Eyed. The name of the flavor collaboration is Green Lemonade, adding a bit of a twist to the classic citrusy beverage, and it will indeed be exclusive to Supplement Mart and its over 40 locations when it makes its debut in exactly a week from today.