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Simple standalone products coming to Condemned Labz within the next few weeks

Condemned Labz Condemned Essentials

Basic standalone supplements are an essential part of many sports nutrition companies, and usually, they come in a dedicated series made up of several products revolving entirely around a single ingredient. They give fans the opportunity to include things like creatine, glutamine, and BCAAs in their stacks at dosages of their choosing, whether it be adding it entirely or helping increase the amount they already get from others.

Hardcore supplement company Condemned Labz is about to make that move, introducing a straightforward selection of products titled the Condemned Essentials. The line is expected to arrive within the next few weeks, and it’ll consist of four bulk unflavored items, named after their primary ingredient in Creatine with creatine monohydrate, Glutamine, pump-powering pure citrulline in Citrulline, and lastly, Beta Alanine.

Again, all four of Condemned Labz’ Condemned Essentials supplements are going live over at within the next few weeks, presumably at low to moderate prices, considering they are incredibly straightforward, featuring the one ingredient in tubs of unflavored powder.