Simply Delish has introduced its latest dessert creation in a Salted Caramel Pudding. The delicious nutrition-friendly treats marries a sweet caramel taste with a subtle, complementing hint of salt, resulting in a delightful sugar-like experience. The brand already has plenty of options to choose from when it comes to its signature Pudding with the likes of Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, and Banana, with Salted Caramel being flavor number six.
If you’re not familiar with Simply Delish and its Pudding, it delivers more than a great dessert-style treat; pairing it with a nutrition profile you’ll have a hard time believing once you’ve experienced the product firsthand. The Salted Caramel Pudding continues that reliable mix of macros has zero protein, no fat, and just 4g of net carbohydrates, none of that sugar, and a calorie count of 20, but be quick as the flavor is only around for a limited time.