The innovative ingredient company Plasma Nutrition has announced a partnership that will encourage more use of its unique technology on an international level. Ingredient Optimized is an incredibly interesting technology from Plasma Nutrition that, as the name suggests, optimizes an ingredient, like whey protein or BCAAs, on a molecular level, for better absorption and uptake, leading to higher efficacy and results.
You can find Plasma Nutrition’s offerings in many different supplements from brands of all sizes, including the likes of Performix and, more recently, Beyond Raw’s high-tech protein powders Dynamic Whey and Dynamic Gainer. As we move into the second half of the year, the company has partnered with Supriya Lifescience to manufacture, market, and distribute specifically Ingredient Optimized’s proteins over in India.
India is emerging as one of the fastest growing or developing markets in the world when it comes to sports nutrition, so this strategic move by Plasma Nutrition couldn’t have come at a better time. It’ll encourage the use of the ioProteins right when the country is seeing a lot of expansion, offering advanced options for protein powders like the superior ioWhey and ioPea, and an opportunity for brands to stand out.