MuscleTech is one of the many sports nutrition brands that is exhibiting at this year’s Epic Block Party, proudly hosted every year by the reputable and reliable retailer Natural Body. The event is going down tomorrow at the supplement store’s Ozone Park location, where MuscleTech will be present, and it’s bringing everything it can to make its participation known with ambassadors, premier athletes, products, and plenty of freebies.
For the 2023 edition of Natural Body’s Epic Block Party, MuscleTech has confirmed it’s bringing the likes of Javain Wilson, Wes Beans, Tom De Guili, and, of course, the star of its roster, the Boogieman himself, Blessing Awodibu. The long-running brand will also be giving out samples of its Enfinity-powered EuphoriQ and Burn iQ, and freebies with purchases, including a metal shaker, full-size Clear Muscle, and exclusive Epic Block Party tees.
This is going to be the first time MuscleTech has gone this intense at one of Natural Body’s Epic Block Parties, making it one you don’t want to miss, so if you’re in the area, be sure to stop by during its opening hours of midday through to 6PM in the evening.