Lost & Found and its debut energy drink are not that old, entering the market around June of last year, so it’s only a little more than one year old. In that short amount of time, the brand has made its presence felt, signing partnerships with major retailers and joining forces with distribution networks to drastically increase its reach and availability. Lost & Found has even found time to expand its selection of flavors, adding two more tastes for a total of five in Orange Splash and Grape Fizz.
The barely one-year-old energy drink company is now looking to refresh its appearance with a bit of a makeover, and you can see how that looks in the image above. The brand is keeping a lot of its original features, from the jagged flavor cut-off at the top to the broken teddy bear in the center, and flavor-specific colors. The biggest differences are the product now says “Energy Drink” on it, and it further highlights the fact that it has zero sugar and an amazing taste at the base under the word “Energy”.
Lost & Found is not making a whole lot of edits to the look of its premier energy drink, which we’ve had ourselves and can tell you it deserves the attention and growth it’s getting as it’s one of the best-tasting newcomers we’ve had in years. The beverage brand has done enough to call its rebrand more of an adjustment, but another big point is the Lost & Found energy drink is moving to printed cans with the refreshed look as opposed to what you find on shelves currently, which are sleeved cans.