Sports nutrition powerhouse HD Muscle recently released a celebratory, sprinkle-filled flavor of its premier, pure grass-fed whey isolate protein powder ProHD, which was, of course, Birthday Cake. It turns out the reputable brand was not quite done with that supplement; in fact, it was far from done, as HD Muscle is back again, adding another two tastes to the menu of ProHD, neither of them being anything traditional like Chocolate, Vanilla, or Cookies & Cream.
Going alongside HD Muscle’s ProHD menu of Chocolate Peanut Butter, Maple Waffles, and a few other tastes is Sweet Cream Cold Brew, which is coffee-themed but doesn’t have any caffeine for those that are curious, and an incredibly intriguing Ube Coconut. While it’s not often we see the brightly-colored, distinctively purple ube in the world of sports nutrition, that’s what HD Muscle has gone and done, blending the earthy sweet food with refreshing and smooth coconut.
HD Muscle’s all-new Sweet Cream Cold Brew and Ube Coconut flavors of ProHD both have the supplement’s usual 25g of protein a serving, almost no fat, lean carbohydrates, and around 110 calories. Both products are available for purchase directly through the brand’s online store at a price of $54.99 for a full-size tub of 30 servings.