The list of exhibitors that have put together something specifically for Natural Body’s annual Epic Block Party continues to grow, with Glaxon coming out today and announcing a product it is introducing at the industry event. The item the brand is bringing to this year’s Epic Block Party, going down this weekend at Natural Body’s Ozone Store, is going to be exclusive to the retailer, and the event is the first place you can try it.
Glaxon has been known to produce some awesome and eye-catching special edition flavors and flavor series, where it mixes things up and throws an alternative label design on a supplement just for that flavor. That is precisely what the 2021 Brand Of The Year has for fans this time around in a King Mango flavor for the electrolyte-fueled hydration product Astrolyte, featuring a giant space-suit-wearing gorilla on the front.
Anyone that makes it out to Natural Body’s Epic Block Party and purchases the all-new special edition King Mango Astrolyte will be further treated for their efforts by way of a free limited tee plus samples. Fortunately, the product is said to be a Natural Body exclusive, and the event is its debut, so if you can’t make it out, it seems as though it will be available for purchase from the retailer after this weekend, in-store and online.