The reputable Ambrosia Collective has slowly but surely built an incredibly effective and reliable selection of supplements throughout the years, expanding far beyond its original nootropic, Mental Jewels. It has come out with several well-put-together products since then, including one of our favorite recovery formulas in Overtraining Solution and some great weight loss-supporting supplements in Ember and Nomorbidity.
Expanding that family of weight management products is Ambrosia Alkemi, which is similar to Nomorbidity in the sense that it’s not a typical fat-burning formula, designed more to specifically support an area or precise benefit of weight loss. While Nomorbidity is built to help control your appetite, Alkemi is there to reduce cravings and improve insulin response with a formula approach similar to a glucose disposal agent.
Ambrosia Alkemi does offer the benefits of a glucose disposal agent but presents them in a way where they’re beneficial to those on a weight loss journey instead of the usual GDA approach of helping your body utilize glucose more efficiently for performance, recovery, and so on. Alkemi is described as a blood sugar and glycemic response management supplement, in turn providing the benefit of reduced sugar and carb cravings.

Coming from Ambrosia, Alkemi is, of course, backed by a handful of premium and reliable ingredients to deliver on its specialized weight management experience, and again, many, if not most, are common GDA components. There is 100mcg of Chromax, 150mg of ProcynCi’s enhanced efficacy cinnamon extract, 100mg of superior GlucoVantage dihydroberberine, 100mg of banaba, and the premier feature, InSea2 at 125mg known for its ability to maintain healthy blood glucose and lower the glycemic index of foods.
Ambrosia Alkemi is designed to be taken twice a day with your largest meals, and with 60 servings, a whole bottle will supply you for the usual 30 days, or if you want to drop down to once a day, it’ll last two months. The weight management product is not available for purchase yet, but it will be in a few days, on Tuesday the 29th of this month, over in the brand’s online store, where it’ll have a very reasonable price of $41.99 each.