As promised, right on queue, Glaxon has launched its highly-anticipated authentic flavor collaboration with the legendary dispenser candy Pez. The brand unveiled the extensive collection about two weeks ago, consisting of an authentic Pez Lemon flavor of the pre-workouts Specimen Genesis, Specimen Max, and Plasm Surge, and Pez Grape for the fat burner Thermal, Electro Creatine, the hydration-supporting Astrolyte.
All six of Glaxon’s authentic Pez flavored supplements are now in stock and available for purchase over at glaxon.com for their usual respective prices, ranging from $29.99 for Astrolyte up to $49.99 for Specimen Genesis and Thermal, and $54.99 for Specimen Max. All of the products can be included in the brand’s Stack Builder, where you get 20% off any three supplements, meaning you can get the whole family for a combined $215.95.
There is a promotion running for the launch of Glaxon and Pez’s collaboration, where purchase any two of the Pez-flavored products and get a free vintage Glaxon and Pez tee. Unfortunately, that freebie isn’t included if you use the Stack Builder; either way, it’s a great bonus for those that maybe only wanted to try two of the supplements, like the complementing pre-workout stack of Pez Lemon Specimen Max and Plasm Surge.