Long-standing energy drink V was founded in New Zealand all the way back in 1997 and has since also become available in other markets like Australia, South Africa, and throughout Europe. The brand was built around the original green V beverage, featuring a very distinct and sweet taste, that has been expanded into a full family of options, including a sugar-free variant, the all-natural V Pure, and the deliciously fruity Refresh flavors.
For 2023, the first time since the signature green-colored V energy drink made its debut, the beverage brand has reworked the product in a couple of ways. Firstly, and as you can see above, V has rebranded the energy drink slightly, maintaining the mostly green design and unmissable V logo in the center. The graphics and details in and around all of that have been tweaked a bit, keeping the previous look and feel with a modern touch.
Secondly, and this is where things get interesting, the original V energy drink has been given a new and improved taste. The beverage is said to have a smoother, fruitier flavor, which will be interesting to try firsthand since it already has quite an enjoyable and distinct taste. The updated product is rolling out to stores in the coming weeks, while the rest of the main V line will be following with a similar rebrand but no change to their recipe.