Czechian brand Nutrend, which is found all throughout the country as well as those neighboring Czechia, but not so much outside of Europe, has added another beverage to its incredibly extensive catalog. The product is similar to other items already in its lineup, although the key difference with this is that it is indeed a drink but not your typical carbonated and canned offering; instead, it’s carbonated and comes in a plastic 330ml bottle.
Nutrend’s newest beverage is called BCAA Energy Drink, and that is precisely what it is; an on-the-go drink that combines muscle recovery-supporting BCAAs at 5g a serving and in the traditional 2:1:1 ratio, and 100mg of caffeine for energy. The brand also has a blend of B vitamins for a little more energy and general health, and being from a sports nutrition company, the macros a nice and low with no sugar, carbohydrates, or fat, and 25 calories.
The bottled BCAA Energy Drink is already out and available from many of Nutrend’s retail partners across its home country of Czechia, with plenty more to follow, and fans are not short on flavors with four to choose from right out of the gate. The tastes available for the hybrid recovery and energizing beverage are Blackberry, an exotic Tropical Mango, another rather intriguing recipe in Yuzu Apricot, and a cocktail-inspired option in Icy Mojito.