Glaxon dropped a bomb of an announcement last week, completely unveiling its authentic flavor collaboration with the classic dispenser candy Pez, and the result is a relatively large partnership involving six different products. The two have put together Pez Lemon flavors of Specimen Max, Specimen Genesis, and Plasm Surge, and Pez Grape flavors of Thermal, Electro-Creatine, and the hydration formula Astrolyte.
It turns out there is a bit more to the upcoming supplements in the authentic Pez flavors that further reinforces the partnership between the innovative sports nutrition brand and the legendary candy. Not only will each of the products have a genuine Pez taste to them, but inside every tub is actual Pez candy, and by that, we don’t mean bits or crushed pieces mixed into the powder, as you see in many other collaborations.
Glaxon is actually putting three sticks of Pez candy inside the authentic Pez supplements, with, of course, Lemon inside the Lemon products and Grape Pez candy in the Grape options. We’ve run into our fair share of inclusions and freebies inside supplements, but this is certainly unique and not something we’ve seen before. You’ll be able to see it all for yourself next week when Glaxon and Pez launch the series on Tuesday.