After sharing a preview that flat-out confirmed its partnership with the iconic dispenser candy Pez, Glaxon has revealed the complete lineup of products it has coming down the pipeline, all featuring authentic Pez flavors. Based on the blurred images the brand previously shared, we suspected there would be two authentic flavor collaborations in Grape and either Lemon or Banana, spread across popular Glaxon supplements.
Glaxon and Pez’s entire collection consists of exactly six products, each of which is different, but they come in either a purple-colored Pez Grape flavor or a yellow-themed Pez Lemon. The Pez Grape half of the authentic collaboration consists of the hydration-supporting Astrolyte, Electro-Creatine, and the fat burner Thermal. Then coming in the Pez Lemon flavor, you have all pre-workouts in the stimulant-backed Specimen Max and Specimen Genesis, and the stackable stimulant-free Plasm Surge.
Glaxon is looking to launch its entire authentic Pez series of flavors in a little more than one week on Tuesday, the 18th of this month. Each of the products — Pez Grape Astrolyte, Electro-Creatine and Thermal, and Pez Lemon Specimen Max, Specimen Genesis, and Plasm Surge — will be going live through the brand’s official online store, where you’ll be able to save when buying the lot as Glaxon’s Stack Builder gets you 20% discount on any three supplements, which should include the Pez flavors.