Ekkovision is an extremely interesting brand to watch and follow due to several factors. The company is still incredibly young at just over one year old, it makes some impressively packed-out supplements, and it shares every development with its fans, from the highs and lows to the fails and successes. Last week it revealed that it hit a milestone, and a strong one at that, having its first month where it did a million in sales through its own online store.
The latest news from Ekkovision keeps with its open and honest policy of sharing every change and development. The fast-growing sports nutrition brand has made the decision to discontinue pre-workouts that aren’t collaborations with ambassadors, including Drama and the high-powered Dethroner. That is a big shift, as Dethroner was the product that put Ekkovision on our radar, although it has proven it can equally hit home runs with other supplements.
In addition to canceling its non-collaboration pre-workouts like Drama and Detheroner, Ekkovision has revealed it is also closing down wholesale and announcing that, moving forward, its website will be the place to go to get any of its products. This means no availability through the online giant Amazon, online stores of any kind, or brick-and-mortar retailers, once again making ekkovision.com the one-stop-shop when it comes to Ekkovision.
Exclusively selling direct does change things when it comes to international distribution, although Ghost has shown it can be done successfully. The original lifestyle brand also has limitations on where its supplements are sold domestically and goes the extra mile for those outside of the US. Ghost’s online store serves Australia, the UK, and Europe via local shipping, and all from the same website at ghostlifestyle.com, so again, Ekkovision’s latest development is interesting but not without potential.