Subscriptions are a convenient feature offered by several major e-commerce platforms and something sports nutrition brands of all shapes and sizes have implemented in their online stores. It assures the supplement company the customer is coming to get another bottle of the same product in a few weeks’ time, or however often the subscription is for, and in return, shoppers are rewarded with a consistently lower price.
The well-established VMI Sports has just activated the feature on its website at vmisports.com, allowing those that frequently shop directly with the brand to sign up to be automatically shipped their favorite supplements and save some money. The discount ranges from 15 to 20%, and on something like VMI’s signature stimulant pre-workout K-XR, it turns the product’s usual price of $34.99 into a much nicer $27.99.
Again, the subscription option is available all throughout VMI Sports’ online store at vmisports.com with 15 to 20% discount, although it doesn’t work on stacks, which already have savings worked into their pricing compared to purchasing the supplements individually.