Muscle Nation in Australia already had one of the more intriguing protein bars from the last few years, in the Custard Protein Bar, and this is something we’ve tried firsthand and can confirm it’s deserving of the name. The brand has got your typical dense base, although it’s not overly thick, then on top is a custard-like filling and a layer of gooey sweetness covered in chocolate, resulting in an incredibly delicious smooth, tasty, and, best of all, protein-packed snack.
Australia’s Muscle Nation has taken its protein bar game a little further this month, introducing another rather intriguing protein bar that is similar to the Custard Protein Bar in the sense that it has that typical dense base but an alternatively textured layer across the top. The product is the Jelly Protein Bar, where you get that robust base and then a thicker and jelly-like body that varies in taste between the two flavors, and, of course, it’s all covered in milk or white chocolate.
The flavors of Muscle Nation’s Jelly Protein Bar are Lemon Coconut, featuring lemon jelly and coconut sprinkles on top, and Chocolate Raspberry with raspberry jelly surrounded by milk chocolate. The macros on this product aren’t as good as the Custard Protein Bar, with a moderate 6.8g of protein in a relatively small 40g bar, and this is not something fans in Australia will be seeing everywhere, as it is another Muscle Nation innovation exclusive to Coles supermarkets.