Our 2021 Brand Of The Year winner and 2020 Newcomer Of The Year winner, Glaxon, has been at it these past few weeks, doing something we’ve seen it do since the early days, and that is release new and improved versions of its advanced supplements. This was indeed something the award-winning company did in only its second year in business, and in the last week or so, Glaxon has been back in action, revamping its stackable and Stack3d-favorite muscle builders, Alpha 365 and Flight.
Glaxon has begun teasing what looks like the next supplement on the block to receive some tweaks, changes, and improvements. In the image above, you can see the teaser the brand has posted, which doesn’t give us a complete look at what we’re getting in the very near future, but it includes plenty of hints and clues. The few words we can make out are “hydrating electrolytes”, Astrolyte, and “17mg” of the absorption-enhancing ingredient AstraGin, which has us looking at only one product.
All of those bits and pieces have us thinking the next evolution from Glaxon is an updated version of its original hydration supplement Astrolyte, which does indeed feature a good amount of quality electrolytes and the ever-present AstraGin at precisely 17mg. We certainly look forward to seeing what the brand has done to its hydration product, especially since that specific category has become incredibly popular, and Glaxon always has the potential to stand out above the rest.