Bodybuilding.com continues to build out its more advanced Elite Series of supplements, which started with just the one pre-workout in Stim Free Ultimate Pre. The retailer and brand has since added another pre-workout including stimulants, and a handful of hybrid amino cocktails like Thermo BCAA and Eneryg BCAA. The newest member of the team is Bodybuilding.com Elite’s testosterone booster Advanced Test.
Similar to the many other items in the premium Elite Series from Bodybuilding.com, Advanced Test brings together a nice variety of ingredients and reliable dosages to deliver on its title benefit, which in this case, is boosting testosterone. The supplement features all of the usual suspects, common components in a product for the category, with a few of them being premium branded ingredients like KSM-66 and PrimaVie.
We’ve got the full facts panel for Bodybuilding.com Elite’s Advanced Test below, with those quality named features including the multi-benefit and multi-studied KSM-66 at its full and effective 600mg, OptiZinc, 500mg of PrimaVie shilajit, and, of course, the absorption enhancing AstraGin. Other ingredients in the mix to help boost testosterone are DIM, longjack, and boron, all at 100mg, 600mg of fenugreek, and 40mg of indole-3-carbinol.
Testosterone boosters do tend to be more expensive than your traditional sports nutrition supplement like a pre-workout, fat burner, or protein powder, and Bodybuilding.com’s latest Elite Series extension is no exception to that. Advanced Test is available starting today from the retailer’s online store at $59.99 for a bottle of 30 servings, although you can bring that down a bit if you’re a BodyFit member to $53.99.