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Weider doesn’t rely on anything typical in its newest testosterone booster Alpha Genic

Weider Alpha Genic

The team at Weider in Germany has launched an intriguing new sports nutrition supplement by the name of Alpha Genic, which is a testosterone booster, although it doesn’t revolve around your typical ingredients like tribulus, fenugreek, d-aspartic acid, and so on. Alpha Genic brings together four premium and branded components to boost testosterone naturally and provide all of the great benefits that typically come with that.

In every serving of Weider’s Alpha Genic, you get 300mg of the caffeine-free energy and focus-supporting enXtra, another 300mg of the male performance ingredient enoSTIM, 10mg of zinc, 200mg of pomegranate, and another 200mg of the epicatechin source CocoaNol. All of that has also been paired with the ever-present AstraGin at 25mg in a two-capsule serving to enhance absorption and improve overall efficacy of the product.

Weider Alpha Genic Label

Everything in Weider’s Alpha Genic is rolled together to once again support testosterone levels and the benefits that come with that, such as improved strength, muscle building, recovery, and performance.

It is refreshing to see a supplement in the busy testosterone-boosting category that doesn’t utilize common ingredients like those mentioned earlier in tribulus, fenugreek, and d-aspartic acid, and introduce new components like the premium enoSTIM and CocoaNol. Weider in Europe is expected to have Alpha Genic in stock and available soon, if not already, and it should then be hitting all of its usual stores throughout the continent.