Tranquility is the reputable brand Glaxon’s competitor in the relaxing and recovery-enhancing sleep aid space, and it has been around for some time, seeing several changes throughout the years. Another great feature of the effective nighttime supplement is it comes in a nice selection of flavors, with four to choose from up until this week in Midnight Cherry, Just Grape, a classic Watermelon, and the unique Voodoo Cola Bourbon.
Glaxon has bumped up the menu for its sleep-supporting Tranquility this month total of five, adding a taste less in line with Voodoo Cola Bourbon and more like the other three in a fruity flavor creation with Martian Mango. As always, the first place you can go to get your hands on the latest from the 2021 Brand Of The Year is its own online store at glaxon.com, where a tub of 21 full servings will set you back $49.99.