Glaxon only just revealed and released a sweet, citrusy, and refreshing new flavor for its effective nighttime supplement Tranquility, with Martian Mango taking its menu up to a total of five. The past Brand Of The Year winner hasn’t actually just put together that taste for one of its many sports nutrition products; it’s created more of a series and produced Martian Mango for three others that’ll be making their way to market shortly.
As well as adding Martian Mango to its sleep-supporting Tranquility, Glaxon has worked the flavor into the menus of its premier pre-workout Specimen Max, the ketone-infused pre-workout Specimen Genesis, and the stimulant-free, pump-powering pre-workout Plasm Surge. The reputable brand is planning to drop all three of those products tomorrow at precisely midday Central Time over in its online store at glaxon.com.