Glaxon is heavily known for its premium and specialized selection of sports nutrition supplements, offering competitors for many different categories that the majority of brands just don’t touch. Another thing Glaxon has built its name around is regularly reformulating products, as fans have seen many times in the few years it’s been around. Here in the middle of the year, the company is evolving its testosterone booster Alpha 365 again, making a few notable changes.
The goal of Glaxon’s refreshed Alpha 365 is still very much the same as its predecessor; naturally boost testosterone to, in turn, support muscle strength and size, improve recovery and performance, and help with drive and energy. For those that are familiar with the previous version of the supplement, there are several features that have been carried over to the 2023 edition of Alpha 365, as well as a few new additions to the formula.
Like the last iteration of Glaxon’s premier testosterone booster, there is 600mg of fenugreek, half a gram of maca, boroganic glycine, premium PrimaVie shilajit, double the amount of DIM, apigenin, 200mg of longjack, and another 200mg of the classic tribulus. In combination with all of that, the reformulated Alpha 365 has added a popular component in muscle builders these days in pregnenolone, included at 25mg in every four capsule serving.

The other key addition to Glaxon’s Alpha 365 is a branded feature which we highlighted not too long ago in LEO-HB. For those that missed our detailed post on the technology, basically, it makes poorly soluble ingredients more bioaccessible and bioavailable for better results. The updated Alpha 365 has 185mg of LEO-HB ursolic acid to improve lean muscle building, and with the innovative technology, the ursolic acid has significantly improved bioaccessibility and efficacy.
The always reliable and reputable specialty retailer Natural Body is currently taking pre-orders for Glaxon’s new and improved Alpha 365 through its website, although it’s not really a pre-order, more of a short wait. The supplement store is saying it’ll have the LEO-HB-infused testosterone booster to ship in a couple of days on Friday, and it’s well priced at $49.99 for a bottle of 30 servings or $44.99 if you grab two.