Body Science in Sweden, from the popular sports nutrition retailer MM Sports, has refreshed the formula behind its essential, daily-use, joint health supplement appropriately named Joint Support. The product is still very much all about supporting, improving, and enhancing joint health with a variety of ingredients; all squeezed into a serving of four capsules and a reasonable price tag of 229kr (21.09 USD) for one month’s supply.
Body Science’s refreshed Joint Support has a lot of the same ingredients and dosages as its predecessor, with the biggest change being the addition of boswellia, specifically broken down into 375mg of boswellic acid from 625mg of Indian frankincense tree extract. Alongside the boswellia to further support general joint health is a gram of MSM, a light 250mg of collagen, 750mg of rose hip powder, zinc, manganese, and turmeric.
As mentioned, MM Sports and its house brand Body Science don’t sell their daily essential for all that much, with a bottle of 30 servings, enough to get you through a typical month, costing 229kr (21.09 USD). There are also small discounts available for purchases of two or three bottles, getting the supplement to as low as 193kr (17.79 USD).