The Supplement Needs brand from the retailer of the same name, is one of the most reputable and reliable specialized sports nutrition brands out there, offering products in areas that very few, if any others, put as much focus on or bring as advanced of an approach. While many of its supplements are for typically untouched categories, the brand does dabble in some mainstream spaces, such as pre-workout, amino, and protein powder.
At the moment Supplement Needs has only one competitor in the protein powder category in the premium and pure whey isolate-based product, Whey ISO-Pure, providing a lean 27g of protein with a gram of carbohydrates and almost no fat. Very soon, the brand is rolling out a second protein supplement in the carefully crafted Vegan ISO+, which is a plant-based protein powder, although, of course, there are many things making it more than your typical entry into the category.
Supplement Needs has formulated its Vegan ISO+ protein powder with a solid selection of ingredients to provide 26g of protein a serving with added free-form aminos to give it a muscle-building amino profile matching that of a whey formula. The brand has also added enzymes to improve digestion, including premium ProHydrolase, and thrown in the proven and ever-present AstraGin for better absorption and efficacy.
Vegan-ISO+ and its advanced and well-put-together formula will be making its way to market in the UK shortly, of course, through the retailer and brand’s international-shipping online store at supplementneeds.co.uk. We’re not sure about the price of the plant-based product but with the additional features of a better amino profile, improved digestion, and enhanced absorption, it will be a little pricier than your typical vegan-friendly protein powder.