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Jack Owoc agrees to remove disparaging comments from his original Instagram account

Jack Owoc Removes Disparaging Comments

The original founder of the hugely successful and hit energy drink company, Jack Owoc of Bang Energy, was recently fired and parted ways with the beverage brand, no longer being the chief executive officer. Owoc has found himself in the spotlight once again involved with Bang as he has been seen sharing comments on various posts on what was previously his Instagram account, which goes by the handle @BangEnergy.CEO.

Bloomberg has reported that the comments have now been completely removed from all of the posts on the @BangEnergy.CEO account following a warning by a judge that said he would face a fine of $25,000 a day until they were removed. We spotted the comments by the @BangEnergy.CEO Instagram account on posts from BangEnergy.CEO, over the past weeks, as they were fully capitalized and lengthy, making them difficult to miss.

“This post above is a fraud on the public. I was forced to make a post against my will. This is the third post that has been used to defraud the public and make the public that I willingly created and posted this content.” – Excert from a comment on the @BangEnergy.CEO Instagram page by the BangEnergy.CEO account that went live on or around April 13th, but again, it has since been removed, just the comment, not the post.

We did screenshot some of the comments from @BangEnergy.CEO in case they ended up evolving into something, and that has certainly proven to be the case, especially with the Judge’s sizeable warning of $25,000 a day. If you want to read the complete story from Bloomberg, head over to its website, where it goes over some of the points we touched on in more detail, as well as other topics involved in the situation.

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