We just saw the hardcore supplement company Chaos and Pain release Chemical-FT, which is something fans essentially already had available to them, although it was spread across two separate products. Chemical-FT is the combination of the main ingredients found in Chemical-F and Chemical-T, and this week we have the brand doing a similar sort of thing again in the launch of Chemical-TN.
Chaos and Pain’s all-new Chemical-TN brings together TUDCA from the already available Chemical TudGenesis, and one of the many components from Chemical-OD in n-acetyl-cysteine. Those two ingredients have been paired for Chemical-TN with different dosages, including three times the TUDCA as TudGenesis at 750mg, and 900mg of n-acetyl-cysteine, compared to Chemical-OD’s gram per serving.
Like those other supplements, Chaos and Pain’s Chemical-TN is built to support liver health and function, and the brand is actually saying it can be paired with Chemical-OD for a complete organ health stack. Being relatively straightforward with two ingredients, the price of Chemical-TN is closer to TudGenesis than Chemical-OD at $44.99 a bottle; however, for its debut, it is discounted to $34.99.