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PeakO2 makes another appearance at Trained By JP in its versatile Peak Hydration

Trained By Jp Nutrition Peak Hydration

Jordan Peters’ ever-expanding and reputable sports nutrition brand, appropriately named Trained By JP Nutrition, recently replaced its EAA-based JP EAA with the more advanced Peak Aminos. The supplement brings together the same dose of EAAs as the original JP EAA but combines it with electrolytes, Aquamin minerals, and the proven, performance-supporting PeakO2 blend.

Trained By JP Nutrition has actually released another product utilizing PeakO2, and it is similar to Peak Aminos, but in capsule format and without the hefty amount of all nine EAAs. Peak Hydration is the brand’s other PeakO2-powered supplement, including the blend of mushroom extracts at a gram in a sizeable six-capsule serving, alongside a blend of electrolytes for hydration and another premium performance component in elevATP at 75mg.

The cost of Peak Hydration is a little bit less than Peak Aminos at £29.99 (37.18 USD), and you get 180 capsules a bottle, which is enough for the usual 30 servings, or 30 workouts. The simple set of ingredients makes Peak Hydration quite versatile, meaning you can stack it with all sorts of products for additional hydration and performance support.