If you’re like many people out there and have set yourself a goal for the New Year or have a New Year’s Resolution, and you need a little help getting started, Halo Top has the promotion for you. In line with the first week of 2023, the frozen functional food company has launched The Goal Getter, which is a program designed to keep you on track for a daily goal you’ve set for yourself and reward you for your efforts.
Halo Top’s The Goal Getter program is very easy to sign up for; you simply head to halotopgoalgetter.com and enter your name and email address, then tell the brand what your daily goal is. Some examples Halo Top has listed include waking up early, exercising, detoxing from social media, or really anything, as you have to type your goal into a box, then log back into the website each day to earn a tick on your calendar.
Not only is visiting halotopgoalgetter.com a nice reminder of the daily goal you’ve set yourself, but there are several prize packs up for grabs, and you gain entry to win your share of the prizes by logging in every day. The prizes you could walk away with include tubs of Halo Top’s signature protein ice cream and limited edition merchandise like yoga mats, sweatbands, and the grand prize of a trip to a yoga treat.
There is no purchase necessary to take part in Halo Top’s The Goal Getter promotion; all you have to do is sign up to the website mentioned above and check in daily to show your dedication and move a step closer to the prizes available. There are also rewards at seven-day points, where if you check in every day for seven days straight, you get a coupon for $8 to spend on Halo Top’s deliciously addictive protein ice cream.