Elite Labs made a lot of noise throughout 2022, being a lot busier than years prior with the drop of several completely new supplements, all for popular sports nutrition categories. The list of products included Metabolic Amino, the fat-burning Metabolic Burn, Metabolic Whey, testosterone boosting Metabolic Test, and the record-setting calorie-loaded gainer, Metabolic Mass.
All of the supplements Elite Labs introduced last year were under its yellow-branded Metabolic series, and now after that impressive performance, news has come in that it caught the attention of a major retailer. The brand has said it is partnering with one of the largest retailers in the sports nutrition industry, although, at the moment, it is keeping the name of the company under wraps.
Our immediate guesses are GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe, especially the latter, as it has picked up a number of more current, modern brands over the past few years. Elite Labs further adds to the mystery, saying the partnership will result in the Metabolic series of supplements being available practically everywhere, further fueling the potential of the likes of GNC and Vitamin Shoppe.