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Collagen Cookie creator 321 Glo gets back into nut butter with a collagen-infused competitor

321 Glo Protein Nut Butter

One of the earlier products from the functional company 321 Glo, before it came out with its delicious, smooth, and high-protein Collagen Cookie, was a sweet and nutritious nut butter named Frosting. The brand eventually dropped that product only to confirm last year that it would be returning to that format with a new and improved version which is now available.

321 Glo is back in the world of nut butter with the renamed Protein + Nut Butter in three delicious-sounding flavors; the chocolate hazelnut recipe Chocotella, Cinnamon Cookie, and Birthday Cake. They’re all made with a smooth nut base and infused with collagen and whey protein to provide 10g of protein in a two-tablespoon serving, an equal 10g of fat, 14g of carbohydrates with 3g of that sugar, and a calorie count of 180.

Those numbers mentioned are for 321 Glo’s Chocotella flavor of Protein + Nut Butter, while the other flavors do vary slightly in carbohydrates and fat, with the protein and calories staying the same across the menu. The product is essentially a flavored nut-based spread that’s made with sources of protein to give it that 10g of protein a serving. It’s a nice alternative to nut butter, and coming from 321, you know it’ll taste great.

Protein + Nut Butter and its three different flavors, are all in stock and available for purchase from 321 Glo’s online store at $13.99 for a single 10oz jar, or you can grab the whole set with one of each flavor at a discounted $10 a piece.