Something we’ve seen from a few sports nutrition brands over the years is an additional product for man’s best friend, with a supplement specifically designed for dogs. The reputable UK company Strom Sports is closing out the year with precisely that, a product formulated to support joint health in K9s, and it is named similar to the brand’s already available joint supplement SupportMax Joint with SupportMax K9.
The ingredients and dosages Strom Sports has brought together for SupportMax K9 are actually a lot like those in the original SupportMax Joint, all in an effort to improve joint health and comfort. The formula powering the dog-specific supplement includes half a gram of HydroCurc curcumin, 250mg of cissus, 200mg each of vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, 2g of collagen type II, and a gram of glucosamine.
As mentioned, many of those ingredients can be found in Strom Sports’ SupportMax Joint, such as the 200mg of hyaluronic acid and HydroCurc, glucosamine, and cissus, but at higher amounts. The format of SupportMax K9 isn’t obviously the traditional capsule; it’s been made into something more suitable for dogs in a chicken-flavored powder to either eat straight, or sprinkled or mixed into regular food.
If you’d like to get your hands on Strom Sports’ first dog-specific supplement, you won’t find in its own online store; you have to head to the specialty and also UK-based dog shop, Paws Trading. Through its website at pawstrading.co.uk, you can grab SupportMax K9 for £39 (47.05 USD), and that gets you a full-size bottle of 30 servings.