Bowmar Nutrition has been busier than usual this year when it comes to functional foods, releasing two completely new snacks in the Protein Cookie and, just recently, the Protein Brownie. Both of those items are fairly self-explanatory in a high-protein cookie and protein-packed brownie; now, today, we’ve got another entirely new edible item from the busy brand in the Protein Treat Bar.
Protein Treat Bar is Bowmar Nutrition’s Rice Krispies Treat-style snack, featuring a smooth and crunchy bar made up of milk isolate-based crispy protein pieces. The product is not overly large, only tipping the scales at 35g, and still providing a balanced nutrition profile led by 10g of protein — high considering its size — with 16g of carbohydrates, a low 2g of sugar, 6g of fat, and a calorie count of 110.
Bowmar Nutrition’s Protein Treat Bar comes in just one flavor to start, and it is the one we see most brands tackle when making a Rice Krispies Treat-type snack in Marshmallow. The product is available now through Bowmar’s online store, although it is expensive at $19.99 for a box of six smaller than average bars. That works out to $3.33 a piece, compared to the similar and delicious BSN Protein Crisp at $27.48 for a box of 12, and you get 20g of protein per bar.