Reputable and reliable sports nutrition retailer and brand Supplement Needs, out of the UK, has reformulated and relaunched its carbohydrate-powered intra-workout Intra Carb. Like all of the products in the brand’s lineup, Intra Carb is well-put-together, but it has undergone a few tweaks and changes to make for a better experience and, best of all, provide better results.
Firstly, Supplement Needs has swapped out the version of glycerol it uses in Intra Carb, switching from GlycerSize to HydroPrime, included at a solid 2.5g per serving. Second, the brand has dropped the larger size of the supplement as too much clumping was happening. Instead of having a 30-serving and a 60-serving, Intra Carb now only comes in the smaller of the two.
Everything else in the product is the same, with 25g of Cluster Dextrin and electrolytes to support hydration. Supplement Needs promises a clearer mixing, fine powder in its renewed Intra Carb, and you can purchase it directly from its online store for the same price as before of £29.99 (34.31 USD) for 30 unflavored servings, which breaks down to £1 a workout.