Swedish sports nutrition giant SSN, maker of several other supplements, has put together something completely new to close out the year, but it’s not in the usual powder or pill format. The latest creation from SSN is SMAC, a functional beverage with a more pre-workout type approach as opposed to a general caffeinated energy drink.
SSN’s SMAC aims to deliver increased energy, better mental focus and muscle pumps, and improved performance, all in the form of a slim and sleek 330ml carbonated beverage. The ingredients driving the product are 4g of pure citrulline, 2.5g of beta-alanine, half a gram of taurine, a gram of acetyl-l-carnitine, and a reasonable 200mg of caffeine.
While those dosages and variety of ingredients don’t compare all that well to a premium powder pre-workout, although this is a drink, and compared to what else is out there, SSN has packed a competitive amount into SMAC. The brand also keeps the beverage as clean as you could want nutritionally, with its Orange Blast and Power Pear flavors having zero calories.
SSN’s SMAC is making its way out to stores in Sweden and undoubtedly other countries throughout Europe at the start of this month. The brand has tackled many different categories, types, and formats, but a pre-workout approach to energy drinks is something new, so it’ll be interesting to see how SMAC is received and if it’s expanded on later down the road.