Following the recent bankruptcy protection filing by the parent company of the popular beverage brand Bang Energy, Vital Pharmaceuticals, an email blast has been sent out reassuring fans of the energy drink’s future. It made its way into the inboxes of fans earlier this week, briefly explaining the situation and where things are headed for the brand as we approach and move into 2023.
The email sent out to Bang Energy subscribers describes the bankruptcy protection as a temporary restorative action to help it recover from recent issues. The brand is taking the opportunity to reorganize and restructure its domestic distribution network in an effort to come out the other side a much stronger competitor in the ever-growing and fiercely competitive energy drink space.
Some key points Bang Energy mentions are that heading into 2023; it will continue to innovate, presumably meaning more flavors and all-new products, which is good to hear since its last flavor extension came six months ago in the Kroger-exclusive Planet Pomegranate Sweet Ice Tea. It also reassures fans it is not going out of business and that none of its items have been discontinued.
To further explain the situation, there is now a section on the Bang Energy website at bangenergy.com outlining what Chapter 11 bankruptcy means, involves, and some questions you may have surrounding it. You can check that out for yourself in this link here, and we look forward to seeing Bang get back to the innovation it’s known for as we edge closer to 2023, at just a couple of months away.